Building a Full-Stack Application with Remult using React Frontend


Building a full-stack application can be very hectic for developers because of the operations involved, from setting up the server to building the front end and consuming the backend APIs. Things can be more hectic when you are working with two different tech stacks. However, since the introduction of Node.js and other Javascript frameworks, things have been a little bit simpler for Javascript developers because they can now create full-stack applications using Javascript without having to learn a different language for the backend. Remult has made things much more manageable by enabling developers to create a full-stack application in a single application without needing to set up an application for the project's server side.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build a full-stack application using Remult and React Frontend.

Intro to Remult

Remult is a full-stack Typescript CRUD framework that uses entities to provide your API with a single source of information. Both a server ORM and a frontend type-safe API client are included. As a result, developers' time is saved, and a more flexible web application is created by abstracting all redundant or poorly written code. The creation of full-stack apps is facilitated by using only TypeScript code, which is easy to read and refactor and fits well into any new or current project.

Remult is now popular due to its secure auto-generated Typescript API model, classes that are consumed by type-safe frontend queries that can also be used as third-party applications, the ability to create CRUD applications that can be consumed directly by the Frontend without additional boilerplates, and use of a type-safe coding style to find and manipulate data in both the backend and frontend code.


To get the best out of this tutorial, ensure you have the following tools installed on your computer.

  • Node.js version 14 or later.
  • PostgreSQL database.

Prior knowledge of Javascript is also required. The code for this tutorial is available here on GitHub. Feel free to clone and follow along.

Getting started

Let's start by cloning the Remult React starter application by running the command below on our terminal.

git clone todo-app

Then change the directory into the project folder and install the required packages in the package.json file by running the command below.

cd todo-app
npm install 

Once the installation is completed, open the application in your favourite IDE.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the files created in started project:

  1. We have the tsconfig.server.json and tsconfig.node.json files which are the Typescript configurations for the server and front. We have another tsconfig.json file, the general Typescript configurations for both the server and Frontend. In this file, there is a compilerOptions section that enables the use of decorators in the React app.
  2. There is a vite.config.ts file where the proxy is configured to divert all calls for http://localhost:5173/api to our dev API server.

Setting up the Backend

Now let's set up the backend part of our application to connect the application to a PostgreSQL database, create entities, create table relationships and implement user authentication.

Connecting to Database

Let's start by connecting the application to a PostgreSQL database. But first, initilize your PostgreSQL database locally to ensure it's online with the command:

docker run --name todo-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres_password -d postgres -p 5432

Next, install the PostgreSQL package with the command below.

npm i pg

Then, we'll do that in the server/index.ts file with the code snippets below.

import { api } from "./api";
import express from "express";
import { remultExpress } from "remult/remult-express";
import { createPostgresConnection } from "remult/postgres";

const app = express();

const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL ||
  "postgresql://postgres:1234@localhost:5432/todo-app?schema=schema$prod"; // Default: process.env.DATABASE_URL
    dataProvider: () =>
        connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL, // Default: process.env.DATABASE_URL
        autoCreateTables: true, // Entities will be synced with the database. Default: true
app.listen(3002, () => console.log("Server started"));

In our code snippet, we remultExpress middleware which takes in a dataProvider object to connect the application to a PostgreSQL database using the createPostgresConnection. This function takes in the database credentials as parameters.

Creating Entities

With the database connection, let's create some entities for our application. We'll make two entities, one for storing the user's records and the other for storing each registered user's todos. So first, create a shared folder in the server directory. Then in the shared folder, create a user.ts file and add the code snippets below.

import { Entity, Fields, IdEntity } from 'remult';

@Entity('users', {
    allowApiCrud: true
export class User extends IdEntity{

    name = '';

    email = '';

    password = '';

In the above code snippet, we define our User entity using the @Entity decorator and the properties using the @Field decorator.

Next, create a todo.ts file in the shared folder and add the code snippet below.

import { Allow, Entity, Fields, IdEntity } from 'remult';

@Entity('todos', {
    allowApiCrud: Allow.authenticated
export class Todo extends IdEntity {
    userId!: string;

    name = '';

    completed = false;

Here we also defined our Todo entity class using the @Entity decorator and enabled CRUD operation for only authenticated users using the Allow.authenticated method.

Creating Table Relationship

Now we need to assign each todo to the user that created them. We need to implement table relationships in our User entity to do that. Update the code in the user.ts file with the code snippet below.

import { Entity, Fields,IdEntity } from 'remult';
import { Todo } from './todo';

@Entity('users', {
    allowApiCrud: true
export class User extends IdEntity{

    name = '';

    email = '';

    password = '';

    @Fields.object<Todo>((options, remult) => {
        options.serverExpression = async (user) =>
            remult.repo(Todo).find({ where: { userId: } })
    todo!: Todo[]


Here we added another field to allow each todo created to be referenced in the users' entity by its id.

In the server's api.ts file, register the Todo and User entities with Remult by including it in the entities array within the options object passed to the remultExpress() middleware. The new line should look like this:

import { remultExpress } from 'remult/remult-express';
import { User } from './shared/user';
import { Todo } from './shared/todo';

export const api = remultExpress({
    entities: [User, Todo]

Implements User Authentication

We need to add some level of security to the application to allow only authenticated users access to the application. To do that, we need to implement user authentication. This is a straightforward process with Remult. But first, you must install the express session-cookies package with the below command.

npm i cookie-session express-session
npm i --save-dev @types/cookie-session @types/express-session

Then create an auth.ts file in the server folder and add the code snippets below:

import express, { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
import { remultExpress } from "remult/remult-express";
import { remult } from "remult";
import { User } from "./shared/user";
import { Session } from "express-session";
import { Todo } from "./shared/todo";

export interface ISession extends Session {
  name?: string;
  email?: string;
  password: string;

const api = remultExpress({});

export const auth = Router();

  async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
    const user = await remult
        password: req.body.password,
  async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
    const user = await remult
      .find({ where: { email: } });
    if (user.length > 1) {
      if (user[0].password == req.body.password) {
        (req.session as ISession).id = user[0].id;
    } else {
      res.status(404).json("Invalid user or password");
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const todo = await remult
    .save({, userId:});
  async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
    const user = await remult
      .find({ where: { id: } });
);"/api/signOut", (req, res) => { = "";
  res.json("signed out");

auth.get("/api/currentUser", (req, res) => res.json(;

In the above code snippet, we created our express endpoint to authenticate a user, store their record in a session, signup a user, get each user and sign in a user out of the application by clearing their Session. Now update the code in the server/index.ts file with the code below to use the cookies-session and the auth middlewares.


import session from "cookie-session";

const app = express();
    secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET || "my secret"


Add your SESSION_SECRET variable in your .env file for security purposes.

Setting up the Frontend

At this point, we are done with the backend. Next, let's move on to the frontend part of the application. Let's start by creating the UI of the application and displaying the user's todos with the code snippet below.

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "./App.css";
import { Todo } from "./server/shared/todo";

function App() {
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>();
  const [name, setName] = useState('');

  const create = async (e: any) => {
    const result = await fetch('/api/createTodo', {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify({ name })
    if (result.ok) {
    else alert(await result.json());
  useEffect(() => {
    fetch('/api/getTodo').then(r => r.json())
      .then(async todosData => {

  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className="task-tab">
        <hr />
          <form className="form">
            <input type="text" name="name" onChange={(e) => setName(} value={name}/>
            <button type="button" onClick={create}>Add</button>
        <div className="task-list">
              todos?.map((todo) => {
                return (
                  <li key={}>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="brand" id="" />


export default App;

In the above code snippet, we created two functions to fetch users' todos from the backend API and to create a new todo using the fetch API. Then we created state variables to store the todos and the current user's details. Then update the code in the App.css file with the stylesheets below.

	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	display: flex;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;
	min-height: 100vh;
	font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif;

	width: 350px;
	height: 500px;
	background: red;
	overflow: hidden;
	background: url("") no-repeat center/ cover;
	border-radius: 10px;
	box-shadow: 5px 20px 50px #000;
	display: none;
	position: relative;
	height: 100%;
	color: #000;
	font-size: 2.3em;
	justify-content: center;
	display: flex;
	margin: 60px;
	font-weight: bold;
	cursor: pointer;
	transition: .5s ease-in-out;
	width: 60%;
	height: 20px;
	background: #e0dede;
	justify-content: center;
	display: flex;
	margin: 20px auto;
	padding: 10px;
	border: none;
	outline: none;
	border-radius: 5px;
	width: 60%;
	height: 40px;
	margin: 10px auto;
	justify-content: center;
	display: block;
	color: #fff;
	background: #573b8a;
	font-size: 1em;
	font-weight: bold;
	margin-top: 20px;
	outline: none;
	border: none;
	border-radius: 5px;
	transition: .2s ease-in;
	cursor: pointer;
	background: #6d44b8;
	height: 460px;
	background: #eee;
	border-radius: 60% / 10%;
	transform: translateY(-180px);
	transition: .8s ease-in-out;
.login label{
	color: #573b8a;
	transform: scale(.6);

#chk:checked ~ .login{
	transform: translateY(-500px);
#chk:checked ~ .login label{
	transform: scale(1);	
#chk:checked ~ .signup label{
	transform: scale(.6);

.container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  height: 100vh;
.container .task-tab {
  box-shadow: rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 13px 27px -5px,
    rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 8px 16px -8px;
  padding: 20px;
.container .task-tab h4 {
  margin-bottom: 5px;
  font-size: 25px;

.container .task-tab .form {
  width: 400px;
  display: flex;
  margin-top: 5px;

.container .task-tab .form button {
  padding: 10px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(217, 217, 217);
  border-left: 0px;
.container .task-tab .form input {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 10px;
  outline: none;
  border: 1px solid rgb(217, 217, 217);
  border-right: 0px;
.container .task-list ul li {
  padding: 10px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  background-color: rgb(230, 235, 235);
  margin-top: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
.container .task-list ul li .done {
  text-decoration: line-through;

If you refresh the application, you should see the output below: RemultJS todo application preview

Next, create an Auth.ts component in the src folder and add the code snippets below to implement the Authentication in the Frontend.

import { use } from "passport";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import UserAuth from "./components/UserAuth";
import { Todo } from "./server/shared/todo";
import { User } from "./server/shared/user";

const Auth: React.FC<{ children: JSX.Element }> = ({ children }) => {

    const [currentUser, setCurrentUser] = useState<User>();
    const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>()

    const signOut = async () => {
        await fetch('/api/signOut', {
            method: "POST"
    if (!currentUser)
        return (
            <UserAuth setCurrentUser={setCurrentUser} />
    return <>
        <button onClick={signOut}>Sign Out</button>
export default Auth;

In the above code snippet, we created an Auth component. This component will render the App component when a user is signed in and display a Signout button. And when the user is signed out or not logged in, it will display the sign-in/sign-out form.

Now update the code in the main.ts file to wrap the App component with the Auth component.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import App from './App'
import Auth from './Auth'

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
      <App />

Lastly, create a component folder in the src directory. Inside the component folder, create UserAuth component to render the signup/sign in form with the code snippets below.

import { useState } from "react";

const UserAuth = (props: any) => {
    const { setCurrentUser } = props
    const [name, setName] = useState("");
    const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
    const [password, setPassword] = useState("");

    const signUp = async (e: any) => {
        const result = await fetch('/api/signUp', {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({ name, email, password })
        if (result.ok) {
            setCurrentUser(await result.json());
        else alert(await result.json());

    const signIn = async (e:any) => {
        const result = await fetch('/api/signIn', {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({ email, password })
        if (result.ok) {
            setCurrentUser(await result.json());
        else alert(await result.json());
    return (
        <div className="main">
            <input type="checkbox" id="chk" aria-hidden="true" />

            <div className="signup">
                <form onSubmit={signUp}>
                    <label htmlFor="chk" aria-hidden="true">Sign up</label>
                    <input type="text" name="txt" placeholder="User name" onChange={(e) => setName(} />
                    <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" onChange={(e) => setEmail(} />
                    <input type="password" name="pswd" placeholder="Password" onChange={(e) => setPassword(} />
                    <button>Sign up</button>

            <div className="login">
                <form onSubmit={signIn}>
                    <label htmlFor="chk" aria-hidden="true">Login</label>
                    <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" onChange={(e) => setEmail(} />
                    <input type="password" name="pswd" placeholder="Password" onChange={(e) => setPassword(} />

export default UserAuth

So if you refresh the application, the UserAuth component will be rendered for a user to signup or sign in as shown below:

RemultJs auth component preview


This tutorial explored how to build a Full-Stack Application with Remult using React Frontend. First, we discussed what Remult is all about and why developers should consider using this framework. Then, to illustrate this point, we showed how to build a blog application demonstration table relationship and Authentication.

To learn more about Remults's features, visit the official documentation.